Marylou Verberne
Welcome, and thank you for visiting my website.
Here, you will find photographs that I make during my travels to distant places, and in my local area, the Central Victorian Goldfields, Victoria, Australia. There are also a few side projects I am working on that I’d like to share with you.
My work often reflects a reverence for nature, offering a different perspective and also an echo of the visual and somatic rest we can feel when immersed in the natural world.
In particular, I love Australian landscapes. To me, they are ephemeral, challenging, majestic and representative of the power of nature and ever-changing climate and the endurance of this great ancient land. I am also drawn to the wider story of human impact on this landscape, climate change and the decline of biodiversity. I often feel driven to try to capture the beauty of it all, to show how much we have to lose; just what is at stake. Ultimately for me, it’s about not giving up on this planet and not giving up on each other.
It’s about searching for life, and searching for hope for our future.

As a photographer, I start with something that catches my eye in the landscape.
It could be the shape of a dying tree, or the way light is thrown at a particular time of day.

In my work, I am often trying to bridge the gap between the natural world and we humans.

I often feel driven to depict the beauty of the landscape, to show just how much we have to lose…….